Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Beautiful Chaos- Part I

The week before Thanksgiving we got the exciting news that we would most likely receive our travel dates on either the 28th (Thanksgiving) or the day after. I was betting we would be invited for our first appointment on 12/18. I was mentally prepared to have as little as one week's notice, but thought we would have anywhere from 2-3 weeks to make final preparations for our extended time overseas.

On Saturday, 11/23 we had a wonderful fundraiser- our final one! My aunt and uncle opened their beautiful home for an evening of dessert and silent auction fun! People were very generous and our matching grant was completed. We went home that night feeling blessed and excited. I was looking forward to a memorable week- Thanksgiving and THE phone call!

Monday morning the 25th I was feeding EJ her breakfast... At 8:30am my cell phone rang in the next room. My heart skipped a beat but as I ran to the phone I told myself, "Don't be silly- it wont be THE call- not for a few more days." Sure enough, it was! Nancy and I exchanged greetings and then she dropped the bombshell. "I have some shocking news. They want you to be there this Thursday. You have to leave tomorrow!"

Nancy laughed as I ran into our bedroom where Justin was still sleeping. "Wake up! You have to
wake up!" We had very little time to make a decision. Nancy explained that if we had to decline the appointment, which seemed reasonable given that we were in no way prepared to leave the next day, it would be a risk. We would delay our process for an unknown amount of time. The thought of saying no to meeting our new daughter the next week made me sick.

We promised to call Nancy back as soon as we could decide. We went over the "cons" of leaving the next day- biggest of which was getting the time off work approved for Justin. Ideally his employer wants 3 weeks notice... We figured they wouldn't be crazy about 24 hours. After a few minutes, Justin told me, "I'm sorry babe, I just don't think we can do it." My eyes welled up with tears but I agreed that whatever he decided was best.

We kept talking, praying, and calling our closest loved ones for advice and wisdom. Finally we made our decision. LET'S DO IT! And so the countdown began- 24 hours to shop, pack, purchase plane tickets, arrange things with the house-sitter, get things settled with J's work, cancel therapies and appointments, and figure out how to get the very large amount of cash we needed in hand for the trip. (Our Reece's Rainbow account money would take 2-3 days to transfer over, thus meaning we couldn't get it in time)

To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog. Look forward to following your adoption journey!
